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(810) 987-2854
These are only a sample of the thousands of restorations we have completed for our customers. Bring us your challenge!
Our un-official motto (with our tongue firmly planted in our cheek) is: Minor miracles performed daily. Major miracles require a week.......
I learned a long time ago as a store owner, that if a customer is crying at your counter, then something has gone horribly wrong...
But in my business, it means that the customer is so overjoyed by the restoration that we have completed for them that they are tears of joy!
Let us show you what we can do for you!
Below are some examples of the thousands of photos that we have restored over the last 30+ years!
From the original on the left, we removed the cracks and sepia toned the final print on the right.
The original photo (top) was very badly faded. In the finished photo (bottom) we increased the contrast, and brought out all the features in this historically important photo.
The two upper photos were combined with a new background to create a portrait of the two gentleman (lower right).
The original photo (left) was badly stained and fading into obscurity. The finished photo (right) shows how the color was restored to create a family heirloom.
In this example there was a need to create a portrait of the woman who had passed away. The man was retouched out, and hair, flowers and backgound were added.
The two photos on the left were combined to create the image on the right. The woman was carefully removed from the backgound of the original photo and placed into the final image. Glare from the flash and other distracting items were removed from the background.
Drop off and pick-up:
Hanson Pro Music
707 Beard St.
Port Huron, MI
Ernest Camera. All Rights Reserved